A Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat
April 21-23, 2017 at The WILDS RESORT, Salmonier Line, Route 90. Brought to you by: Lucy O’Driscoll M.Sc., B.Ed. Ph: 895-0544. Cell: 689-2244 E-mail: odriscoll16@gmail.com Website: www.lucysretreats.com

Join us at Lucy’s Retreat at THE WILDS Resort. Relax and learn techniques to help you bring more Peace into your life. Your fee covers two nights’ Hotel accommodations, six meals (with vegetarian option!!), four workshops and a magical Saturday Night program which includes a Sacred Fire Ceremony led by Alison Normore and Dances of Universal Peace led by Helga Schleeh of Montreal. You just can’t get this kind of retreat anywhere else with such a variety of professional facilitators for

such an amazing price at a lovely resort. Individually these services cost over 800.00. Your cost is 450.00 (taxes included), based on double occupancy. I will pair you up if you are registering single and would like a partner for your room. Some single rooms are available for additional $60.00 per night. Some Financial assistance is available for single parents and students.


MANDALA- a container of Essence


To join in community, invoking the essence of peace, which is a deep awareness of the truth. To share this gift we have with others, bringing together our differences in the creation of communal mandalas. Through  the purpose of loving ourselves and others, the act of drawing helps to  infuse the world with a sense of peace. By giving away the mandalas at the end, to whomever or whatever group we choose, we offer this to others.

Description of the Workshop:
Using the aid of a circular map of how consciousness moves into the world, (sand mandalas by Tibetans and other cultures) we  create communal mandalas to give to Syrian refugees or to any group in need of support. No art experience is necessary. Whether professional artist or complete beginner-if you can draw a stick figure with a crayon-you can do this. Children have done it! It is more importantly about the participation and unfolding of energy.

We use  special fabric crayons, everyone working together on a large circular paper. Later, we iron the finished image onto a white sheet to create a banner. You will be guided step by step with visualizations and instructions in this creation. For more details click here. Please join us in this awakening to love.