Dances of Universal Peace (Sufi Dancing)

togetherThe Dances at the Flow in Montreal with Helga Schleeh and Marc Poellhuber

     Spiritual practice brings us face to face with Life and Truth, prior to the concepts and beliefs of the person, opening to our true nature – authentic, unguarded, beyond form and imbued with the spaciousness and love that connects all.

The Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Concentrations are spiritual practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration. This taste of our true nature – as Universal Peace – opens to the possibility of a deep spiritual revolution within the person.


Samuel L. Lewis on the cover of a book of a series of lectures made by him in 1970

Samuel L. Lewis also known as Sufi Sam (October 18, 1896 – January 15, 1971) was an American mystic and horticultural scientist who founded what became the Sufi Ruhaniat International, a Sufi lineage.[1] After a lifetime of spiritual study with teachers East and West, primarily Hazrat Inayat Khan and Nyogen Senzaki, Lewis was recognized simultaneously as a Zen master and Sufi Murshid (senior teacher) by Eastern representatives of the two traditions. He also co-founded the Christian mystical order called the The Holy Order of Mans. His early interest in international seed exchange and organic agriculture also established him as one of the pioneers of green spirituality.[1] His most enduring legacy may be the creation of the Dances of Universal Peace, an early interspiritual practice that has spread around the world in the 43 years since his passing.[2]

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Art for Communities in conflict

  • This project was born from the wishes of many people for peace. The extension of this personal intention into community has resulted in the creation of these workshops focusing on our underlying unity while honoring individual differences. The mandala presents a means of using conflict resolution in a non-violent atmosphere.To find peace is a very personal journey for each one of us. It is not an easy journey – it requires patience and willingness to change. We also need to look deeply into the dark corners within our psyche past the hate and anger that lies protectively over a more loving awareness.

    Communication with one another and the world at large is essential for action. To foster mutual understanding, we would like to bring together communities with seemingly disparate intentions.

    If we can create a peaceful gathering, even temporarily, it is enough.

    As we send the physical manifestations of these encounters out into the world, we offer an opportunity for others to join us in our intentions.
    We would like to express our deep gratitude to those who have helped support us through donations and grants:

    Binney and Smith Canada
    Canada Council for the Arts
    Centre des Arts Visuels  for grants, continuous support, and collaboration
    CRB Foundation
    Engrenage Noir
    Ici Par les Arts
    Louis-Philippe Day for the donation of this website.
    Chalkers Foundation
    JFC Foundation

    Paix, peace, shalom,salaam